In the prestigious location of Petruzzelli Theater of Bari, yesterday there was “Puglia2China”, international event, managed by Regione Puglia and ARTI, in collaboration with Italy China Foundation.
During this place of meeting, it was possible to analyze the future and the eventualities of Puglia, through a focus on the relation between Italy-China 2016, realized for the occasion by the Observatory Studies of Italy China Foundation.
From the analysis realized in these last three years, we observe a slightly and physiological contraction of volumes of growth of China, which successes also In reaching a great 6,9% in the last year 2015.
On the contrary of other countries, China records an increase of consumptions of +66,4% (30% connected to food and 70% to other goods), and it results to be an appealing opportunity for countries as Italy, which are interested in exporting and importing products and services.
World Capital, which is also operative in China with 3 offices (Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing) took part to the event.