World Capital Real Estate Group , announces the opening of its operational office in Shanghai, Changle Road, on the 33rd floor of the prestigious building called “The Center”. The building , which also houses the Italian Consulate and other imported institutions and national and international companies , is 40 stories high and is located in an exclusive area of Shanghai, served by lines 1, 7, ( Changshu Road) and 10 (Shanghai Library metro) . The management of the Shanghai office is entrusted to the new resource Cathy Lee, a real estate consultant with experience in the Chinese market for over twenty years, supported by the head of China, Viola Zheng .
” In November 2011, – says Andrea Faini Managing Director of World Capital – we participated for the first time at a trade show on Real Estate in Beijing. After that , as usual, we have developed a project to develop a series of specific objectives , with much satisfaction , we are reaching with one month ahead of schedule . The opening of the headquarters of Shanghai – continues Faini – will allow us to efficiently and effectively follow our Chinese customers and at the same time to assist our Italian and international clients interested in entering this market. At the same time , our staff will be able to further develop our operating network which provides the presence of one of our local representatives in every region of China. “
” Chinese citizens – continues Viola Zheng responsible for the Sales Department of China World Capital – have greatly appreciated the method of operation of World Capital , based on confidential reports and a ‘ high- quality service . Appreciation that has led us to be approached by many local interested in collaborating with our group . So we are comparing ourselves with many players to build a network of qualified consultants in the provision of services for Chinese citizens interested in investing in Italy . We are already operating in the region of Fujian, thanks to our correspondent Chen Ernesto , which has its head quarter in the city of Fuzhou and other offices in the cities of Quanzhou, Xiamen, Muyang , Sanming, Lonyan , Cuijang , Shaowu and Zhangzhou . Similarly, we are signing other agreements in other regions with locally based professionals.”