The “Giornale della Logistica” talks about BIL


With the publishing of the sixth edition of “Borsino Immobiliare della Logistica” connected to the second semester 2008, the “Giornale della Logistica” dedicates an article. The new edition of BIL, reported data connected to the middle values of sale and lease of logistics properties in the principal Italian cities and the trend of demand and offer of these properties, it was developed with the “Guide to Supplier”, which proposes names of the most important societies of logistics…pag.1 pag.2

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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