Tax Credit Requalification: Bonus for Tourism and Hotel


The system of the country decided to give attention to hotel sector, by giving news for people, who manage hotel buildings and extra-hotel, travel agencies and tour operators.

With the approval of the law 83/2014Decree Tourism and Culture” of Minister of Heritages and Cultural Activities and of Tourism, Dario Franceschini, we have the activation of Tax Credit Requalification.

Bu, what is this credit tax and, especially, how does it work?
The Tax Credit Requalification is a form of credit known by hotel structures, existing in date the 1st January 2012, of 30%, from the moment of the approval of Decree Tourism and Culture and for the next two years of tax, according to the costs done by the hotels for refurbishment operations (renew, substitutions, edit of shape, seismic improvement, realization or integration hygienic-healthcare and technologic services, division or unification of real estate unites, without edit the volume of the buildings and the use destination, substitution external doors and windows, interiors and floors), refurbishment and renovation and creative preservation with the elimination of architectural barriers (refurbishment of stairs, elevators and stairs, realization of bathrooms and domotic systems for disabled people) and to modernize the furniture (indoor and outdoor furniture element, kitchens, sporting facilities) and of energetic classification system.

Moreover, there will be developing operations, with an increase of total volume of buildings, but currently there aren’t detailed information about.

If you want to try it, we remember you that the tax for year 2016, with the certification of costs realized in 2015, will must be sent online using the site Portale dei Procedimenti, by following this process:
1. Registration of Legal Represent of Society on the Site > from 10.00 of 11th January 2016 to 16.00 of 29th January 2016.
2. Fill in the Tax Form > until the 16.00 of the 3rd February 2016.
3. Click Day > from the 10.00 of 4th February 2016 to 16.00 of 5th February 2016.

We underline that the companies with following ATECO codes of the classification 55.2 aren’t included for the identification of the credit tax:
55.20.2 Youth Hostels
55.20.3 Mountains Shelters
55.20.4 Summer or Mountain Camps
55.20.51 All the items except the Residences
55.20.52 Residence activities connected to the agricultural companies

Why do you have to present the tax?
With the action promoted to Tax Credit Requalification, the Minister Franceschini has claimed to want to improve the quality of hotel and tourist offer, with the aim to develop and to grow up more and more not only the competitiveness of tourist locations, but especially to start hotel buildings, with the purpose of supporting their success in hotel sector.
World Capital, always focused on market and its offer, is ready, also in this occasion, to deep on the eventual potentials of the measure with You.
We remember you, in fact, that you can count on our Hotel Department to receive consultancy and advices ad hoc and on our Advisory Department to obtain a detailed evaluation of your hotel structure, with the aim to make it more appealing in the dynamic tourist and real estate world!

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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