Press Review “Real Estate Logistics, Europe divided: Roma … “


MILAN FINANZA, Newspaper of Information
17.01.2014 – Brake the logistics space
The statistics of World Capital give an idea of ​​which the Italian cities are more profitable to invest in warehouses and distribution centers. The logistics market slows down in Italy, also because of the excessive supply of spaces, so rents are among the lowest in Europe … read more

MILANO FINANZA.IT, Newspaper Online Information
17.01.2014 – Brake the logistics space
In Europe, prices rise. Milan and Rome laggards in Europe. The statistics of World Capital give an idea of ​​which the Italian cities are more profitable to invest in warehouses and distribution centers.

MONITOR IMMOBILIARE.IT, Italian Real Estate News
14.01.2014 – Logistics: the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe awake
Old continent split in two on the front of the property for logistics : North and East in constant growth with rental values ​​close to or above 100 € for sqm , South stationary … read more

SHIP2SHORE.IT, Online Magazine about the Transport
20.01.2014 – Italy bringing up the rear in real continental logistics
The real estate market slows logistics in Italy (also) due to oversupply of space and rents are among the lowest in Europe. To say it is the sixteenth edition of the Real Estate Observatory of Logistics developed by the World […]

YOU TRADE.IT , Newspaper Online
15.01.2014 – Real Estate, Italian cheaper in Europe
Properties: are Oslo and Zurich, the most expensive cities in Europe, while Rome and Milan have the best prices. The conclusion of World Capital Group, a Milan-based real estate consulting, according to which Europe is divided on the face logistical North and East in constant growth with rental values ​​close to or above … read more

World Capital Realty Logistic : Divided Europe: Oslo summit in Rome in the queue
A stable Europe , a real estate market that for the second consecutive year at the top confirms Oslo and Zurich, the most expensive, and tail Rome and Milan, with the best prices. A framework that , once again , outlines a divided continent on the face logistical …  read more

BY INNOVATION.IT, Magazine online for enterprises
20.01.2014 – World Capital Realty Logistic Oslo summit in Rome in the queue
A stable Europe , a real estate market that for the second consecutive year at the top confirms Oslo and Zurich, the most expensive, and tail Rome and Milan, with the best prices. A framework that , once again , outlines a divided continent on the face logistical … read more

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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