Office: your property, an investment in 5 steps


Beauty and Functionality. Perfect mix, which usually requests a good amount of care and economic waste. When we talk about properties efficiency, especially about offices, to give high performances and spaces more and more comfortable, we have to consider some specific details of commercial office consultants and the attentive point of view of a talented designer.

However, when do space planning investments are very necessary?
And, especially, how to make profitable and less expensive your real estate investment?
Surely, nobody want to spend lots of money to improve its property, but also, we don’t want to give up a really functional structure.
Here, 5 strategic steps to gain time and especially money:
1.Ask for a Real Estate Consultancy > the opinion of a professional person could solve some doubts. The personalize consultancy of a commercial office will give you clarity, a comparison and the right way to mix your ideas for reaching a successful business.
2. Choose a Professional Designer > a designer is the magic surgeon of real estate buildings, which after an attentive planning, he can donate a value to your office.
With a Space Planning work, you will have the chance to optimize and to manage the working and space ambience, the management and the company’s efficiency of the property in productivity, but also you can reduce the costs.
Usually, however, it results so hard to select the person in which we can trust.
Who choose?
According to this, we can talk with the company Am4 design, which since years, has developed a specific and planning process for the projecting activities of office space.
“The need to mix necessary as the reduction of costs and the re-management of working attitudes, it requests the action of specific professionals, which are able to reduce the changing process. Through the involvement of the planning phases, it’s possible to identify solutions and methods to not have problems or risks, which can start in the next phases – claims the Architect Silvia Marini, partner of Am4 design – There isn’t a model to apply, but only a method: we have to build the project with a Tailor-made Client, concerning the needs of company, current and future.”
3. Commercialize the Property > the property is ready to meet the dynamic and complex market world. An attentive study of the building guaranteeing the best real estate development and the most profitable commercialization. Thanks to the Market Analysis and Tailor—Made Report Office, able to guarantee a complete map of the office (location, installations, buildings, finishing, ecc…). In this way, thanks to the experience and professionalism of a commercial real estate consultant, the property becomes a safe and profitable investment.
4. Choose Property Management > after the negotiation of property, a qualified commercial consultant can guarantee a complete service of Property Management, by helping you during the management of real estate heritage and the optimization of costs, administration and direction of economic and legal stuff, as the exercise of rents contracts, control and technic assistance for the operation and use of property, with a continue check of real estate services efficiency, until the delivery of properties and management of all administration documents of property.
5. Limit the Works > by following the previous four golden advices, it will be easy and automatic to reach the last but not the least step. In this way, your need to limit actions to do at your property will be satisfied, before to ask “How can I spend the less, to have the most?”

give You the answer to your problems, now it’s your time…to invest!

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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