North Italy drags the recovery of Real Estate Logistics


The presentation of new edition of Borsino Immobiliare della Logistica, realized by World Capital, with new rent and sale values, national and international, concerning the first semester 2015 is planned for the end of the summer, however from the first indiscretions it emerges that North Italy is confirmed as locomotive of recovery of national real estate logistics market.

Particularly, the Milanese’s area with the new infrastructures, such as Bre.Be.Mi and Tangenziale Est-Est and the Verona’s area are really valued.
This interest is influencing, obviously, the prices trend, which records, for the new and recent properties with new generation characteristics in the East area of Milan values nearby 52 €/sqm/annual, whereas from Verona we record competitive rents with minimum values of 42 €/sqm/annual.

“From lots of time – claims Matteo Ciarcelluti, Senior of Logistics Departmet of World Capital Real Estate Group – we are recording the interest from the logistics operators on these zones of the Milanese metropolitan area and of Italian Norh/East. Interest, which surely is always presenting, but thanks to new road infrastructures is more concrete. Nowadays, in these areas – concludes Ciarcelluti – we manage different areas and logistics properties, which are more appreciated by operators.”

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Simona Giuliano

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