Milan: Hotel Investment Appeal Index at 0.65


Inner City for the five stars (0.65), central station for the four (0.55) and the third field for the three (0.60), this was reported by the Hotel Investment Appeal Index of World Capital presented in the report “Hotel Real Estate Market”, the areas of Milan with the most attractive degree in the hospitality real estate.
Central Station is interesting for the five stars category (0.61) and the third field for the four (0.49).

“We think that the report “Hotel Real Estate Market” represents a prestigious and functional tool – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Head of Research of World Capital – because of its ability to give to the investor and the owner a detailed overview of the sector, near real opportunities to do business and market data; for that reason, over Milan, we present the squares of Rome, Florence and Venice, main characters with the Lombard metropolis of the italian hospitality retail.
Today, the Bel Paese is amonf the most attractive realities in the hospitality real estate, thanks to the graduated increase of global tourist division, which determined a progressive increase of arrivals and a significant growth of interest  and attraction from the foreign investors. “

“Milan, among the most important Italian squares, thanks to its position of Business and Fashion Capital and to be the keeper of one of the most prestigious monuments – continues Neda Aghabegloo-, is one of the Bel Pease cities, which keep the attention of potential investors oriented in the hospitality sector. For that reason, a little year ago, World Capital developed a tool useful for objective statistics and to identify on the district the real feasibility to generate hospitality business   , an index from 0 to 1 which characterizes the attraction level of one area over another. The attentive analysis of the suitability/propensity in the hotel industry of the receptive structures 3,4,5, existing and potential stars of the Capital City based on more than 60 constants, guide us in the development of indexes of attraction for the individual hotel categories in the most interesting urban areas of Milan for the investors. “

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Simona Giuliano

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