Matching China 2016: great interest about Chinese tourist market in Italy


The last Friday 1st of April 2016, in the prestigious location of Congress Palace of Riccione, it took place the third edition of Matching China, unique workshop about Chinese Tourism in Italy, supported by Chinese Friendly Italy.

For us of World Capital, unique real estate consultancy society present with a own stand, Matching China was a good occasion of comparing between hotel managers and Italian buyers specialized in assisting and satisfying the tourist needs of Chinese clients in Bel Paese.

“For us, to take place in this event it was a great opportunity – claims Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital – From the meeting with experts, tourist operators and hotel managers and by participating at different workshops, we could catch how much the Chinese tourist market is orienting to Italian hotel buildings, which enjoy today a modern design, technologies and a futuristic image.”

Concerning the demand, whereas, between the chosen locations of Chinese Tourists aren’t selected only the big cities, but also the choice seems to focus on unique locations with a own story ready to become the setting of “personalized postcards” to photograph.

With this positive and dynamic portrait for the Italian real estate market, us of World Capital, active also in China with three directional offices (Beiijing, Shanghai and Chongqing), we are ready to find with You the best Real Estate Ivestment and to develop new and winning partnerships in hospitality sector.

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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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