Logistics Real Estate: Recovery in Second Semester 2016


It’s the portrait of the 20° edition of Borsino Immobiliare della Logistica. In the last six months we records rents with maximum values of 65 €/sqm/annual in Genoa for new, whereas for the aged a maximum of 50 €/sqm/annual in the city of Milan, which increases of one value, according to the first part of 2015, which it still lives a crisis period.
In the same way, for sale prices, for the new it still surfaces Genoa with a maximum of 950 €/sqm/annual, whereas for the aged we can find Trento with a 750 €/sqm/annual.

In Rome, whereas, where demand and offer are present, we record rents for new with maximum of 55 €/sqm/annual and for the aged of 45 €/sqm/annual, whereas the sale prices reach maximum of 850 €/sqm/annual for new and 590 €/sqm/annual for aged.
Concerning yields, they highlight a continuous dynamism of market, with also an increase of rents in prime locations. By making a comparison with the first semester 2015, we observe a growth of minimal values in Piacenza, which passes from 8% to 8,10%, whereas the maximal values have a gently contraction of -0,1% for Genoa (8,4%) and Verona (8,2%).

Finally, we record a high demand in the cities of Milan and Rome, whereas the offer continues to grow in Verona, Rivalta Scrivia, Caserta and Gioia Tauro.
As principal theme of this edition, we give deep space to Pharma’s Logistics by presenting some innovations projected by two sectors leaders of sector, as H. Hessers and Neologistica. This decision results spontaneous in relation with collected data of University Cattaneo LIUC, which see over 180 societies working in pharmaceutical industries and a production of 14,2 billion euros. Moreover, we choose to give attention to interpole’s values, with focus on Interpole Campano of Nola, pole of intermovement and of logistics the most important of Europe, and about the Interpole of Padova.

“The 20° edition of our Borsino is the line, which makes us particularly proud. – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Head of Research of World Capital – We believe that just only through the research, training and information, we can reach the concrete success in real estate.”


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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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