Mipim 2016, Cannes – Il Quotidiano Immobiliare interviews A. Faini, CEO and M. Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital, which talk about the different trend of real estate market and about interests of people.
“Also for this 27° edition, us of World Capital are really proud to represent the Italian real estate market and to have the chance to present different commercial projects of the total value of 1,5 Mld of Euro. This year we fortunately have seen a strong interest from the international funds and from the investors, which are more and more attracted by the Italy.
Moreover, we record an increase of request of giving value to properties, and also a major request of Capital Market solutions.
We also don’t miss this precious chance to present our Tourist Resorts Report, in which we show an investment map of hospitality sector in Italy…”
-> Consult our Reports: trend, values, information