China is the next country to approve the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, which will start in 2016 and it will work until 2020.
In March, in fact, the Country will officially have a social and economic development planning of the territory.
Lots of actions are thought to increase the growth of China, geographical area more and more rich in resources and in which there were developed not only logistics buildings, thanks the presence of the International Railway Station Yuxinou, but also the industrial and commercial ones.
The logistics division, moreover, represents a deep sector of the city of Chengdu, which after increasing their railway transport network, this year it’s ready to invest more than 20 Billion of RMB (almost 3 Billion of €).
The investment counts the construction of an International Interpole, which includes airport, railway station, freeway, traffic information station, which costs a total amount of 230 Billion of RMB (almost 32 Billion of €).
All of this progress in Transport and Logistics sector has generated high results in E-Commerce, by giving to China not only a big tax and growing volume, but especially quality in progresses.
World Capital, as Real Estate Consultants and Logistics Experts, we are glad to assist to the development of a dynamic and rich Country as China, where we decided to increase our Activity with offices in the cities of Beijing, Shangai and Chongqing