In the office sector Milan expensive, but it defeats the other big centres – Press Review Magazine Il Sole 24 Ore


sole-24-oreIl Sole 24 Ore dedicates its attention to Report Office Market – October 2014, realized by World Capital, by focusing on yields, rents, discount rates, vacancy time.

08.01.2015 – In the office sector Milan expensive, but it defeats the other big centres
The office sector, with that one of retail, attracts international investors, and it will continue on it also during all 2015. With the properly cautions. The purchases still we be focused on big centres and preferably on prestigious assets. But also on yield because…read more

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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