In growth negotiations over the 5,000 sq/m


The division Consulting of World Capital Srl, a company of services in the Real Estate industry , has measured the time and “cutsrequired by operators. From the sample analyzed, it’s clear that increasing the negotiations for properties over 5,000 sq/m while the average duration of the negotiations while remaining predominantly 8-month record once again significant increases in both operations “flash” as well as those of “infinite .”

In particular, 82 % of respondents reported having completed real estate transactions with a surface area less than 5,000 square meters , when the last six months was 86%, rose to 18% while the negotiations relating to the property over 5000 square meters , compared with 14 % in 2009.

As regards the duration of the negotiations , 23% of the detectors borsino have stated that the average duration of the negotiations is 3 months compared with 12 % in the previous survey . 49% (in 2009 it was 55% ) , has instead shown in 8 months, the average period and the remaining 28% relates negotiations after 12 months , when they were in the previous semester instead of 23% .

About Author

Simona Giuliano

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