Eire 2008


The third edition of the most important event of the real estate industry, will be presented to operators with significant numbers by the presence of 11 countries of the world among the exhibitors to visit the stands from 83 different nationalities.
World Capital for the third consecutive year will bring to the knowledge of the main operators in the sector domestic and foreign major development operations in the commercial and industrial sectors .

This year will be an important theme in comparison to the recent statement of the city of Milan as the site of EXPO universal , given the expectations that both the public and the real estate operators have come to expect from government.

Worldcapital this year based on experience and the results obtained in previous editions has decided to take an exhibition space for the proper reception of the double many questions and interviews. We welcome your inquiries at our booth where you can pick up a fun gadgets, in addition to viewing the important real estate projects supported and publicized.

The numbers of Eire:
395 exhibitors ( +19% since 2007 ) over an area of ​​36,000 square meters ( +16%), visited by about 20,000 Italian and foreign operators belonging to 83 different nationalities (+17 %). The growth compared to last year ‘s attendance of nearly 30 % , with a peak of 41% in the second day of the event.

The numbers of World Capital:
2 stand , 10 employees in the service of visitors , more than 100 meetings and interviews in 3 days. For the third consecutive World Capital also has been one of the many important players in this event, the right opportunity to present the first of its staff and its operations in the areas of real estate development , commercial and industrial spread all over the Italian territory , offering the both management and evaluation. The participation in the exhibition also helped to establish new and meaningful direct relationships with partners , employees and customers in the real estate market nationally and internationally.

In addition to the foreign one , has been a significant presence exhibiting public : many public systems were present as exhibitors and more than 200 Mayors and Councillors of competence (Regions, Provinces and Municipalities) have visited the fair and was attended by over 100 institutional conferences , seminars , press conferences and events in the stands facing the most current topics in the field, such as Milan – World Expo 2015; infrastructure and eco -sustainability.
Have been presented for the extensive research and surveys have been announced as a preview of some deal , new development and alliances with international players , making EIRE also an important opportunity training and refresher courses for employees of World Capital.

The participation of highly qualified and internationally confirmed EIRE as an event of high international standing and integral part of the development process of the real estate market Italian and Mediterranean countries and Eastern Europe.
The appointment for the 5th edition of EIRE World Capital was jumped from 9 June 12, 2009 at Fieramilano always .

About Author

Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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