During the 12° Five-Years Plan, we have positive news from the Conference of Activities of Customs of Chengdu, which took place in the Chinese Capital City of Sichuan.
Here, it was recorded a foreign commercial value of 1,8 billion of RMB (almost 2,5 million of €), synonymous of a big and starting productivity of the Country.
The realization of policies and reforms connected to import practices has generated the consequently reshaping of costs in the societies of Sichuan, which saved 50 million of RMB (almost 7 million of €) on costs connected to logistics sector.
Positive effect in Chengdu’s area, where all measures are necessary to start the construction of International Interpole of the city.
Both the development of Chinese logistics buildings, both the cut of costs of the same sector, are factors not only positive and ready to satisfy the highest need and to develop different Industrial Parks.
World Capital, as Real Estate Consultants, and experts of sector, we are glad to assist to the other positive step realized by a Country as China, where we have decided to develop our Activity with offices situated in Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing.