China: E-Commerce pulls the Development of Logistics


The dynamic is highlighted by the last data revealed on the Chongqing’s square, from which we can observe that the market of on-line sales in the Region continues to grow up and it overcomes the 25 billions of RMB (nearly 3,5 billions of Euros), by changing the purchase strategies and by developing new rhythms in the logistics sector and supply chain – ii is claimed by Elena Buffoni, Country Manager China of World Capital Real Estate Group and AD of World Capital Beijing Consulting LTD, after the information sent the 19th January 2016 by the E-Commerce Association.

According to the analysis realized in occasion of the National Conference, in 2015 in the region of Chongqing the retail sales, in the e-commerce sector, have reached the 88 billions of RMB (nearly 12 billions of euros), whereas the transactions connected to the services companies have overcome the 3 billion of RMB (nearly 418 millions euros)

A positive setting, in general, for Chinese on-line commerce, but also for logistics sector, pushed to develop sending and receiving goods systems, which are easier and flexible.

By collecting some fortunate industrial and commercial investments, China becomes the holder of innovation and developing. Thanks to the realization of new Logistics Pole in Chongqing, the Chinese city can guarantee a good location and positive transport and market conditions. Moreover, thanks to the Yuxinou Railway Station, Chongqing represents a fundamental junction in import-export and a functional supply products center.

Our office of Chongqing – concludes Elena Buffoni – is always ready to give you information and focus, by guaranteeing support for every industrial and commercial investments in Chinese territory.

-> Consult our page China Activity

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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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