Bologna: incomes until 6,5% in retail and ready for Cosmoprof Worldwide


Dynamic panorama for Italian city of Bologna, which welcome Cosmoprof Worldwide – annual date for retailers and retailers of make-up, which will take part from 15 to 19 March -, highlights a great potential in real estate retail.
From last analysis work of Research Department of World Capital, in fact, retail sector in Bologna records a positive trend with growing signals, we can find in High Street, where incomes are through 5,5& and 6,5%.
High Street of Bologna with major number of people, due to presence of big commercial brands, is confirmed Via Indipendenza with a maximum rent of 2.000 €/sqm/year and a middle time of vacancy throught 3 and 6 months.
During 3 years (2014-2017), concerning rental, we highlight interesting positive variations of +16% in Via D’Azeglio (1.500 €/sqm/year) and +9% in Via C. Farini (1.250 €/sqm/year), great appeal for brands.
“By focalizing on Bologna, we revealed new opening of different commercial types (clothes. Accessories, optical, make-up, ecc…) – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Research Department of World Capital – All of this gave big dynamism to bologna retail and its high steets.”

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Simona Giuliano

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