Logistics real estate in Italy stable but moving – Borsino First Half 2010


Real estate values ​​, sale and lease, for the first half of 2010 significantly affected by the current economic environment.

2009 saw all logistics operators and developers , in a stalemate determined by the expectation of the long- hoped-for ” recovery.” Hold that has raised many expectations and has resulted in the second half also interesting to price increases in some locations.

2010 saw the first tentative signs of revival of the economy and this has led many homeowners to bring the offer to the demand by adjusting prices downward . We are witnessing probably due to a “carpe diem” determined from above vacancy rate that has characterized for a long time also important logistics platforms throughout Italy. In fact , there are few places that have seen yet raise their property values, while most of the cities analyzed showed values ​​similar if not lower than in the previous semester . In general, the fundamental fact is that rents have undergone a modest downsizing, the order of two percentage points lower than in 2009 , as well as for the sales values ​​that showed a less than 1.71% .

Analyzing the data for macro-areas , it can be seen as the area north of Italy has remained essentially unchanged, but lose on average between lease and sale 1 , 7% of the islands , 2.3% in the center and tail Place your south with a -3% . Entering more specifically , include locations such as Rimini ( + 2.8% ) , Livorno (+ 2.5%) and Padua ( + 2.3%) which have the greatest percentage increases globally considering lease and sale . Are Caserta ( – 4.6%) , Italy ( – 3.2%) and Sassari ( – 1.8%) the city with the worst performance for the period . The values ​​of the cities of Milan , Rome and Bologna there remain not far from the figure recorded in the previous survey.

For further information or to request report -> http://goo.gl/gTuwZ5

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Simona Giuliano

Affascinata dalla comunicazione in ogni sua forma, nonché sfumatura e fedele sostenitrice di qualsivoglia media, soprattutto se digitale. Con il costante scopo di dar Voce e rendere Dinamico l’Immobile!

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