World Capital redouble its presence in the hotel sector, near to the hotel transaction department, also a division dedicated to strategic hotel consultancy and to valuations.
To start the project, it was involved Danilo Papaleo and his HTML mad, young and dynamic society, specialized in feasibility studies of the hotel market, research and selection of international and national qualified operators, hotel asset management, reposition and optimization of performances of existent hotels. HTL mad could offer a deep knowledge of Italian local hotel market dynamics and a quality and work methodology international well-known, directly matured by staff thanks years of experience in international society, leader in hotel consultancy.
“We decided to redouble our efforts in hotel sector – claims Marco Clerici, Managing Director of World Capital Real Estate Group – by creating a structure in charge of giving innovative, efficient and effective services of consultancy in Italy and abroad. Today, we are really involved in Hotel sector by assisting foreign investors, which are interested in Italian market, for that reason this process of development of the services offer was an undelayable need.
We consider the collaboration with Danilo Papaleo – conclude Marco Clerici – it will also give us the chance to develop a culture of quality in our consultancy services for the hotel sector, that our research office manage since long time, by collaborating with the Department ABC of Politecnico of Milan to creation of method of classification for the properties with hotel use.
“I’m very proud – claims Danilo Papaleo, Managing Director of HTL mad – to work with a society as World Capital, which really invests in research in this sector. We are projecting interesting initiatives to make the Italian real estate market more attractive to foreign players in the Hospitality sector. Concerning this – continues Danilo Papaleo – we started to work on the modulation of standard processes, which give the chance to two different worlds, such as this of real estate and that of hotel, to communicate with reciprocal advantages. With the news asset, the group will can offer an active support to studies of planning and in general to developers, by giving the necessary indications for a correct planning useful for an efficient manage of hotel structure. This collaboration – concludes Danilo Papaleo – will give advantages to the clients of our society, which will count on a qualified assistance at 360°. “