Real Estate Office: yields reach 8,5%


Office real estate market records a general stable trend in last months of 2017. In different Italian prime location, we highlight soft signs of recovery and a gradual increase of rents; this is the portrait showed by Report Office Italy, realized by Research Department of World Capital.

By focusing on yields, also this trend is stable. Although, the highest performances are highlighted in suburbs areas with a range of 7,5% and 8,5%.

The maximum yield of 8,5% is recorded in Rome Suburbi and in suburbs of Padua, whereas 8% is recorded in suburbs of Bologna, Naples and Turin.

Then, we have Quartieri Urbani of Rome and Hinterland of Milan with 7,5%, whereas in suburbs of Florence and Milan, in centre of Naples, Padua and Turin and in Eur Zone of Rome we estimate a maximum yield of 7%.

Finally, concerning the prime location of Milan, range of yields is among 5 and 5,5% in Centre and new CBD, among 5,5% and 6,5% in Semicenter and among 7,5% and 8,5% in suburbs.

“With yields which reach also 8,5%, to invest in office real estate market will become more profitable. – claims Neda Aghabegloo, Responsible Research Department of World Capital – By focusing on last analysis, we are sure that office sector is acquiring a new dynamism.”

-> Consult and Request Report Office

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Simona Giuliano

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